Tsunami Life
One of the most powerful events that occur on the face of the earth is called a Tsunami. A Tsunami is a larger tidal wave that has the...

Pressing on Beyond Surrender
One of my greatest joys in life is riding my bicycle. Sometimes, my bicycle route may take me into new areas with unexpected hills. Or...

Does God see you?
Does God see you? Wow. What a question and one would assume that the answer is simple. YES! God sees me, besides He is omniscient (all...

Making Connections
Making Connections: Making connection with a purpose was not something I gave much thought. Recently, God brought several people into my...

Memories: Memories are information that is encoded, stored, and retrieved either in our short or long term memory banks. Most people take...

Mindset: Mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. Dr. Carol Dweck suggests that there are two types of mindset, a...

Motivation: Motivation is the reason or desire for which an individual is willing to do something. Motivations are typically intrinsic or...

Moving Forward
Moving Forward: Moving forward is the desired response to a decision that has been made. As I mentioned before a decision without action...

Making Decisions
Making a decision: My last blog on morphing brought to mind the ideal that morphing or transformation requires one to make a decision to...

Morph: Morphing is one’s ability to transform one’s self according to a set desire or purpose. We all have the unique ability to morph or...