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Does God see you?

Does God see you?

Wow. What a question and one would assume that the answer is simple. YES! God sees me, besides He is omniscient (all knowing). I think a better question is do we want God to see us? The most challenging set of verses I have come across in the Bible are:

Psalms 139:23-24, KJV

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

After the reading these verses I had to ask myself, “Do I really want the Lord to search my heart?” Am I mature enough in my walk with God that I can give Him full access to my heart? When I got saved they told me to invite the Lord into my heart. They said, “He will come into your heart, pull up a chair and sit at the table to share a meal with you.” At that time I did not think much about extending the invitation to invite Christ into my life. However, when I read these verse years later, I began to wonder is my house or heart clean enough to invite the Lord inside. Did I just push all the dirty clothes, socks, toys, etc. into the closet? Did I use my hands to sweep trash under the couch? Or spot mop the floor with a paper towel to get the dark spot.

I wonder, if I would allow him to get that close. I wonder, if the masks I wear prevent God from getting a panoramic view of me. You know, the mask that hides my emotional, psychical and spiritual suffering or scares from the rest of the world. You know, stuff I try the hide behind my wardrobe of masks and sunglasses that are custom made for any occasion. Yet, what I find evening more concerning is does my mask stop me from see God clearly. Do I only see God dimly because of the facial apparel I am hiding behind? Can you see God or is your view of Him blemished by your imposer masks? Will you let God into your house no matter the messiness? I have decided to let God roam freely regardless of the mess and He is not surprised. Will you? Ready, Set, GO!

Amos 5:14, NIV

Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.

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