Tsunami Life
One of the most powerful events that occur on the face of the earth is called a Tsunami. A Tsunami is a larger tidal wave that has the...
Making Connections
Making Connections: Making connection with a purpose was not something I gave much thought. Recently, God brought several people into my...
Motivation: Motivation is the reason or desire for which an individual is willing to do something. Motivations are typically intrinsic or...
Making Decisions
Making a decision: My last blog on morphing brought to mind the ideal that morphing or transformation requires one to make a decision to...
Morph: Morphing is one’s ability to transform one’s self according to a set desire or purpose. We all have the unique ability to morph or...
Miracles: Miracles are events that are not explainable by science or natural law. Many of us have lives that are testaments to the...